Arthur L. Gilbert College of Business

College of Business Club - Constitution 

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Manchester University 
College of Business Club Constitution

In accordance with the Manchester University diversity statement, the College of Business Club does not discriminate on the basis of such factors as national or ethnic origin, race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or veteran status.

Article I: Purpose

Section I: This organization shall be known as the College of Business Club (CBC) of Manchester University.

Section II: To provide members with experiential learning opportunities including opportunities to develop leadership skills.

Section III. To provide exposure to business professions (including but not limited to sport management, sales, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, business management, and accounting) through presentations from guest speakers, both inside and outside the classroom.

Section IV. To provide a social organization for students to develop relationships with their peers as well as with prospective business partners and employers.

Section V. To serve as a bridge between classroom experiences and industry opportunities.

Article II:Executive Cabinet

Section I: The officers of the club shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers will be referred to collectively as the Executive Cabinet.  The Executive Cabinet will also serve as the Nominating Committee.

Section II: The President shall organize meetings, call all meetings to order as presiding officer, chair the meetings of the Executive Cabinet, and perform all other duties incidental to her or his office.

Section III: The Vice President shall attend all meetings, exercise the functions of the President in the President’s absence and/or vacancy, and assist the President in her or his duties when called upon to do so.

Section IV: The Secretary shall attend all meetings, record the minutes of all meetings, provide minutes to the Executive Cabinet when needed, inform regular members as well as prospective members of meeting times and places, and handle all other correspondence necessary to the ongoing business of the club.

Section V: The Treasurer shall attend all meetings, manage the funds of the club, pay debts from the club treasury when due, monitor the profitability of and establish controls related to any business undertakings of the club, and recommend to the Executive Cabinet dues that should be collected from members.  She or he shall keep adequate records of all transactions and shall report on the financial condition of the club whenever called upon to do so.

Section VI: The Executive Cabinet shall work with the faculty advisor to develop leadership opportunities for the club’s members and to develop procedures for creating, staffing, and evaluating standing committees, ad hoc committees, and other positions.

Section VII: The President and Vice President will represent CBC to the President’s Council.

Section VIII: In addition to the duties outlined by the President’s Council, the President and Vice President shall attend all meetings and regularly report relevant President’s Council information to the Executive Cabinet.

Article III: Committees

Section I: In consultation with the faculty advisor, the Executive Cabinet shall appoint such standing and ad hoc committees as it deems necessary for carrying on the business of the club.

Article IV: Advisor

Section I: The advisor shall be a faculty member of the College of Business and shall be appointed by the Dean of the College. The advisor will be called upon for advice as needed by the officers and may offer advice to the officers as deemed necessary.

Article V: Membership

Section I: Membership shall be open to those students who regularly attend club meetings and events and who pay such dues as may be levied by vote of the Executive Cabinet.

Section II: Honorary membership shall be granted to interested members of the faculty and may be granted to members of the business community and others as the club sees fit.

Article VI: Elections and Appointments

Section I: The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for developing a slate of potential candidates for each elected position in the spring semester preceding fall elections, and it may receive nominations from any CBC member or any College of Business faculty member.

Section II: The Nominating Committee shall interview all nominees for elected positions and determine, in consultation with the faculty advisor, the final slate of candidates for each elected office.

Section III: The Executive Cabinet shall interview all candidates for appointed positions before making those appointments.

Section IV: Candidates for Executive Cabinet positions shall be members of CBC and must have completed at least 60 credit hours (junior status) at the time office is taken.

Section V: There shall be separate elections for each position, and the winners shall be the candidates receiving the most votes in each respective election.  All members present for the election are eligible to vote.

Section VI: The term of office for all Executive Cabinet positions shall be the calendar year. Cabinet members must be able to serve the full term and may only serve one term.

Article VII: Meetings

Section I: Meetings shall be held on the dates decided by the Executive Cabinet.

Section II: Notification of meetings shall be distributed via campus mail and/or e-mail at least one week in advance of all meetings. 

Article VIII: Amendments

Section I: An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by any member of the club or any faculty member in the College of Business.

Section II: Proposed amendments shall be circulated to the members at least one week prior to the meeting at which the vote will be taken.  An amendment shall be effective upon the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the regular members in attendance at the meeting.

Section III: Upon approval by the club of any amendments or other changes to this Constitution, all changes shall be submitted to the Manchester College Student Senate.

Section IV: The Executive Cabinet shall review the Constitution at least once every two (2) years. 

Approved: March 8, 2016

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